Is Your Timing Right For Success?

When we do things might matter more than we think.  If you’ve hit a plateau or just want to see more consistent results, reorganizing when you eat and workout may make a difference.  How does the timing of your healthy habits impact your progress?  Read on for FitClub’s answers:videoblocks-woman-starting-workout-on-treadmill-using-fitness-app-on-smartwatch_hzxoq1o8ce_thumbnail-180_08

1. For peak performance.  If you don’t love being up before the sun for a challenging morning workout, you’re in luck.  If your goal is to improve your performance through physical exercise, 4:00PM to 8:00PM should be your target workout time.  Experts found that late in the afternoon, the body’s circadian rhythms and energy levels are best primed for a workout at your peak performance level.  After 8:00PM, that same circadian rhythm wants your body to start winding down and preparing for sleep and you might feel your energy level naturally tapering off.  While experts found that for most people, 4:00PM to 8:00PM were peak energy times, a workout when you are generally benefiting from the most energy is the right time for your workout.

2. For improved mental health.  If you crave the mental health benefits of your workout, studies have shown that anxiety is most common in the morning hours, while depression is most common in the evening hours.  Scheduling your workout to coincide with your mental health needs might help you release endorphins through exercise to ease the most difficult part of your day.  Of course, anxiety and depression impact everyone differently.  If you notice that you are most anxious or depressed at the same times every day, a workout or short meditation might help you prevent the uneasy feelings.  Being able to ease anxiety and depression with preventative exercise might take some experimenting until you find the right time and combination of physical exercise and meditation that works best for you.  Fortunately, at FitClub, you can get your physical workout and meditation in the same place!

3. When to eat for weight loss.  If your goal is to lose unwanted weight, when you eat might matter, too.  If you crave carbohydrates, scheduling your carbohydrates around your workout ensures that the carbohydrates get where they can do the most good and help your muscles refuel.  Aiming for a diet rich in lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats the rest of the day will help you avoid excess carbohydrates turning to sugar.  Night-time snacking can be a struggle for many people.  Experts agree that it’s not necessarily when you eat your last bite, but what you eat that may be holding you back.  Generally, people prone to a late-night snack are more likely to having an unhealthy late night snack, resulting in unused calories that will turn into unwanted weight gain.  If you must eat late at night before bed, aim for healthier options that will satisfy your hunger without disrupting your sleep or digestion.

How do you fuel and work your body for best results?

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